Questions from the article…
1) What is the name/model of the fryer you have selected?
Evo 2200P with integral pump filtration
2) Please provide an overview of the product and its key features.
The Evo 2200P comes from Valentineu2019 Evolution range of fryers with the Swiss-made attributes of quality build and design innovation. The fryer pans are pressed from single pieces of stainless steel and energy efficiency comes from insulated pans and smaller cool zones that save up to 10 percent of oil capacity producing the same output as previous models. The Evo 2200P comes with a three-year warranty covering components and any manufacturing defects.
The Evo 2200P also features a pump system which avoids the potential hazard of lifting the drain bucket with up to 20 litres of hot oil in it so it can be filtered before going back into the oil pan. This is a hygienic and safe system particularly suited to larger fryers with demanding throughputs. It allows the operator to save time and money with efficient pump filtration cutting time for filtration and cleaning, and crucially prolonging the cooking oilu2019s quality and usability.
3) Please provide any key technical specs for the product, including dimensions (w/d/h) and capacity/output/warranty
Dimensions (mm)u00a0u00a0Width 400u00a0 u00a0Depth 600u00a0 u00a0Heightu00a0850-900
Capacityu00a02 x 7-8 litre fry pans
Warrantyu00a0Three years on components and any manufacturing faults, plus 20 years for the fryer pans
4) What is the list price for this machine?
u00a35430.00 excl VAT